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Working with Reports

Reports are built from running Drutiny profiles, a collection of policies. To build a report, use the profile:run command. The command requires two arguments: the name of the profile to run and the reference to the target to audit.

By default, Drutiny expects the target to be a drush alias will all the necessary credentials to access the Drupal site.

Note: Some audits, such as audits from drutiny/http and drutiny/cloudflare expect a valid URI to be provided.

Example usage

$ drutiny profile:run test @none

The above command runs Drutiny's test profile on nothing (@none is an alias provided by drush by default.)


Drutiny comes with 3 types of report formats: CLI,  JSON,  HTML.
If you do not specify any report format, the CLI format will be used by default.

Example to run a JSON report by using the "-f" param.

./vendor/bin/drutiny profile:run d8 -f json

or you can use the HTML report with telling Drutiny, where to store the html.

./vendor/bin/drutiny profile:run d8 -f html -o ./report1.html

HTML Reports can be customized from the profile run. See the profile documentation for more detail.