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Scan files in a directory for matching criteria.

Class: Drutiny\Audit\Filesystem\CodeScan
Extends: Drutiny\Audit
Package: drutiny/drutiny


These are the policies that use this class:

Name Title
Drupal:ThemeSecurity Drupal Theme Security & Performance
Acquia:SiteFactoryDefaultThemePath Drupal Theme Path References


Name Type Description Default
directory string Absolute filepath to directory to scan '%root'
exclude array Absolute filepaths to directories omit from scanning { }
filetypes array file extensions to include in the scan { }
patterns array patterns to run over each matching file. { }
whitelist array Whitelist patterns which the 'patterns' parameter may yield false positives from { }


Name Type Description Default
directory string Absolute filepath to directory to scan '%root'
exclude array Absolute filepaths to directories omit from scanning { }
filetypes array file extensions to include in the scan { }
patterns array patterns to run over each matching file. { }
whitelist array Whitelist patterns which the 'patterns' parameter may yield false positives from { }
results array An array of results matching the scan criteria. Each match is an assoc array with the following keys: filepath, line, code, basename. { }
  public function audit(Sandbox $sandbox) {
    $directory = $sandbox->getParameter('directory', '%root');
    $stat = $sandbox->drush(['format' => 'json'])->status();

    $directory =  strtr($directory, $stat['%paths']);

    $command = ['find', $directory, '-type f'];

    $types = $sandbox->getParameter('filetypes', []);

    if (!empty($types)) {
      $conditions = [];
      foreach ($types as $type) {
        $conditions[] = '-iname "*.' . $type . '"';
      $command[] = '\( ' . implode(' -or ', $conditions) . ' \)';

    foreach ($sandbox->getParameter('exclude', []) as $filepath) {
      $filepath = strtr($filepath, $stat['%paths']);
      $command[] = "! -path '$filepath'";

    $command[] = '| (xargs grep -nE';
    $command[] = '"' . implode('|', $sandbox->getParameter('patterns', [])) . '" || exit 0)';

    $whitelist = $sandbox->getParameter('whitelist', []);
    if (!empty($whitelist)) {
      $command[] = "| (grep -vE '" . implode('|', $whitelist) . "' || exit 0)";

    $command = implode(' ', $command);
    $sandbox->logger()->info('[' . __CLASS__ . '] ' . $command);
    $output = $sandbox->exec($command);

    if (empty($output)) {
      return TRUE;

    $matches = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $output));
    $matches = array_map(function ($line) {
      list($filepath, $line_number, $code) = explode(':', $line, 3);
      return [
        'file' => $filepath,
        'line' => $line_number,
        'code' => trim($code),
        'basename' => basename($filepath)
    }, $matches);

    $results = [
      'found' => count($matches),
      'findings' => $matches,
      'filepaths' => array_values(array_unique(array_map(function ($match) use ($stat) {
        return str_replace($stat['%paths']['%root'], '', $match['file']);
      }, $matches)))

    $sandbox->setParameter('results', $results);

    return empty($matches);


Large files

Class: Drutiny\Audit\Filesystem\FsSize
Extends: Drutiny\Audit
Package: drutiny/drutiny


These are the policies that use this class:

Name Title
fs:DrupalThemeDirectory Drupal Theme Directory Size
Acquia:SiteFactory:DrupalThemeDirectory ACSF Drupal Theme Directory Size


Name Type Description Default
max_size integer The maximum size in MegaBytes a directory should be. 20
path string The path of the directory to check for size. null


Name Type Description Default
max_size integer The maximum size in MegaBytes a directory should be. 20
path string The path of the directory to check for size. null
  public function audit(Sandbox $sandbox) {
    $path = $sandbox->getParameter('path', '%files');
    $stat = $sandbox->drush(['format' => 'json'])->status();

    $path = strtr($path, $stat['%paths']);

    $size = trim($sandbox->exec("du -d 0 -m $path | awk '{print $1}'"));

    $max_size = (int) $sandbox->getParameter('max_size', 20);

    // Set the size in MB for rendering
    $sandbox->setParameter('size', $size);
    // Set the actual path.
    $sandbox->setParameter('path', $path);

    return $size < $max_size;


Large files

Class: Drutiny\Audit\Filesystem\LargeFiles
Extends: Drutiny\Audit
Package: drutiny/drutiny


These are the policies that use this class:

Name Title
fs:largeFiles Large public files


Name Type Description Default
max_size integer Report files larger than this value measured in megabytes. 20


Name Type Description Default
max_size integer Report files larger than this value measured in megabytes. 20
issues array A list of files that reach the max file size. null
plural string This variable will contain an 's' if there is more than one issue found. ''
  public function audit(Sandbox $sandbox) {
    $stat = $sandbox->drush(['format' => 'json'])->status();

    $root = $stat['root'];
    $files = $stat['files'];

    $max_size = (int) $sandbox->getParameter('max_size', 20);

    $command = "find @location -type f -size +@sizeM -printf '@print-format'";
    $command .= " | sort -nr";
    $command = strtr($command, [
      '@location' => "{$root}/{$files}/",
      '@size' => $max_size,
      '@print-format' => '%k\t%p\n',

    $output = $sandbox->exec($command);

    if (empty($output)) {
      return TRUE;

    // Output from find is a giant string with newlines to seperate the files.
    $rows = array_map(function ($line) {
      $parts = array_map('trim', explode("\t", $line));
      $size = number_format((float) $parts[0] / 1024, 2);
      $filename = trim($parts[1]);
      return "{$filename} [{$size} MB]";
    array_filter(explode("\n", $output)));

    $sandbox->setParameter('issues', $rows);
    $sandbox->setParameter('plural', count($rows) > 1 ? 's' : '');

    return Audit::WARNING;


Sensitive public files

Class: Drutiny\Audit\Filesystem\SensitivePublicFiles
Extends: Drutiny\Audit
Package: drutiny/drutiny


These are the policies that use this class:

Name Title
fs:SensitivePublicFiles Sensitive public files


Name Type Description Default
extensions string The sensitive file extensions to look for. null


Name Type Description Default
extensions string The sensitive file extensions to look for. null
issues array A list of files that reach the max file size. null
plural string This variable will contain an 's' if there is more than one issue found. ''
  public function audit(Sandbox $sandbox) {
    $stat = $sandbox->drush(['format' => 'json'])->status();

    $root = $stat['root'];
    $files = $stat['files'];

    $extensions = $sandbox->getParameter('extensions');
    $extensions = array_map('trim', explode(',', $extensions));

    // Output is in the format:
    // 7048 ./iStock_000017426795Large-2.jpg
    // 6370 ./portrait-small-1.png
    // Note, the size is in KB in the response, we convert to MB later on in
    // this check.

    $command = "cd @location ; find . -type f \( @name-lookups \) -printf '@print-format'";
    $command .= " | grep -v -E '/js/js_|/css/css_|/php/twig/|/php/html_purifier_serializer/' | sort -nr";
    $command = strtr($command, [
      '@location' => "{$root}/{$files}/",
      '@name-lookups' => "-name '*." . implode("' -o -name '*.", $extensions) . "'",
      '@print-format' => '%k\t%p\n',

    $output = $sandbox->exec($command);

    if (empty($output)) {
      return Audit::SUCCESS;

    // Output from find is a giant string with newlines to separate the files.
    $rows = array_map(function ($line) {
      $parts = array_map('trim', explode("\t", $line));
      $size = number_format((float) $parts[0] / 1024, 2);
      $filename = trim($parts[1]);
      return "{$filename} [{$size} MB]";
    array_filter(explode("\n", $output)));

    $sandbox->setParameter('issues', $rows);
    $sandbox->setParameter('plural', count($rows) > 1 ? 's' : '');

    return Audit::FAIL;