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Large databases can negatively impact your production site, and slow down things like database dumps.

Class: Drutiny\Audit\Database\DatabaseSize
Extends: Drutiny\Audit
Package: drutiny/drutiny


These are the policies that use this class:

Name Title
Database:Size Database size


Name Type Description Default
max_size integer Fail the audit if the database size is greater than this value null
warning_size integer Issue a warning if the database size is greater than this value null


Name Type Description Default
max_size integer Fail the audit if the database size is greater than this value null
warning_size integer Issue a warning if the database size is greater than this value null
db string The name of the database null
size integer The size of the database null
  public function audit(Sandbox $sandbox) {
    $stat = $sandbox->drush(['format' => 'json'])

    $name = $stat['db-name'];
    $sql = "SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) 'DB Size in MB'
            FROM information_schema.tables
            WHERE table_schema='{$name}'
            GROUP BY table_schema;";

    $resultLines = $sandbox->drush()->sqlq($sql);
    $resultLines = array_filter($resultLines, function($line) {
      return $line !== 'DB Size in MB';
    $size = (float) reset($resultLines);

    $sandbox->setParameter('db', $name)
            ->setParameter('size', $size);

    if ($sandbox->getParameter('max_size') < $size) {
      return FALSE;

    if ($sandbox->getParameter('warning_size') < $size) {
      return Audit::WARNING;

    return TRUE;