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Charts (HTML only)

Charts in Drutiny are an HTML format feature that allows rendered tabular data in a policy to be visualized in a chart inside of the HTML generated report.

Under the hood, Drutiny uses chart.js to render charts.

A chart is defined inside of a Policy as metadata and rendered inside of either the success, failure, warning or remediation messages also provided by the policy.

    type: doughnut
    labels: tr td:first-child
    hide-table: false
    title: Request Distribution by Domain
    height: 300
    width: 400
    legend: left
      - rgba(46, 204, 113,1.0)
      - rgba(192, 57, 43,1.0)
      - rgba(230, 126, 34,1.0)
      - rgba(241, 196, 15,1.0)
      - rgba(52, 73, 94,1.0)
      - tr td:nth-child(4)
success: |
  Here is a doughnut chart:


Any given policy may have a chart property defined in its .policy.yml file. The chart property contains a arbitrarily keyed set of chart definitions.

    # ....
    # ....

Charts use tabular data from the first sibling table in the DOM.

Chart Properties

labels and series use css selectors powered by jQuery to obtain the data to display in the chart.

Property Description
type The type of chart to render. Recommend bar, pie or doughnut.
labels A css selector that returns an array of HTML elements whose text will become labels in a pie chart or x-axis in a bar graph.
hide-table A boolean to determine if the table used to read the tabular data should be hidden. Defaults to false.
title The title of the graph
series An array of css selectors that return the HTML elements whose text will become chart data.
height The height of the graph area set as a CSS style on the <canvas> element.
width The width of the graph area set as a CSS style on the <canvas> element.
x-axis The label for the x-axis.
y-axis The label for the y-axis.
legend The position of the legend. Options are: top, bottom, left, right or none (to remove legend).
colors An array of colors expressed using RGB syntax. E.g. rgba(52, 73, 94,1.0).

Rendering a Chart

Rendered charts are available as a special _chart token to be used in success, failure, warning or remediation messages provided by the policy.

success: |
  Here is the chart:

Is important to use triple curly braces here to ensure the variables are not escaped by the mustache templating language.